


Practical Programme | Room:
Topic: Dog signalment dermatology | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Canine breed associated skin diseases, Giordana Zanna
09:45-10:30 Dermatological issues in brachycephalic dogs, Elisa Maina  

Advanced Programme Room: 
Topic: Techology in dermatology | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Looking behind the eardrum is not enough: Opportunities and limitations of modern otoendoscopy, Gerhard Oechtering
09:45-10:30 From viewing to doing: Interventional otoendoscopy - a successful therapeutic approach to otitis media, Gerhard Oechtering

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
09:45-10:30 Cutaneous involvement in feline leishmaniosis, Manolis Saridomichelakis

10:30-11:15 Break

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Pediatric Dermatology: Current Trends and Treatments, Ana Oliveira
12:00-12:45 Geriatric Dermatology: Managing Skin Disorders in Senior Patients, Ana Oliveira 

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Unlocking Diagnosis with Dermatoscopy, Giordana Zanna
12:00-12:45 Laser surgery in the skin, Katarina Varjonen

Cutting Edge Programme | Room
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 L. tarentolae: new diagnostic perspectives and control of canine leishmaniosis, Domenico Otranto

12:45-14:45 Lunch
13:30-14:45 ECVD Annual General Meeting | Room: 

Practical Programme | Room:
Topic: Dermatology and internal medicine | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 Endocrinology Case Spectrum: Addressing Simple Situations to Difficult Dilemmas - Part I, Carolina Arenas and Mar Bardagi
15:30-16:15 Endocrinology Case Spectrum: Addressing Simple Situations to Difficult Dilemmas - Part II, Carolina Arenas and Mar Bardagi

Advanced Programme | Room:
Topic: Parasites rediscovered | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 Uncommon skin parasites, Domenico Otranto
15:30-16:15 New insights on transmission and prevention of canine vector borne diseases, Domenico Otranto

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 Free Communications 
15:30-16:15 Free Communications 

16:15-17:00 Break 

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-18:00 Challenging Clinical Cases 

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-18:00 Critically Appraised Topics in Dermatology 

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-18:00 Free Communications 



Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: Topographic dermatology | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Claw Diseases: What You Need to Know, Giordana Zanna 
09:45-10:30 Topographic Analysis of Canine Nasal Dermatology, Laura Ordeix

Advanced Programme  | Room: Room: 
Topic: Therapy | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Ectoparasiticides: not only advantages. Side effects and environmental concerns, Domenico Otranto
09:45-10:30 Climate change from a dermatologic perspective, Misha Rosenbach 

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Neurodermatology: the human perspective, Jean Phillippe Neau 
09:45-10:30 Neurodermatology: the veterinary perspective, Holigar Volk

10:30-11:15 Break

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 From perianal to perigenital conditions in dogs, Elisa Maina
12:00-12:45 Challenging Clinical Cases

Advanced Programme
| Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Myths or helpful tips? Treatments without evidence, Katarina Varjonen
12:00-12:45 Real need and duration of antibiotic therapy, Anette Loeffler

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Immunohistochemistry: presentation about with general technique, applications and limitations, Chiara Brachelente
12:00-12:45 Immunohistological techniques in veterinary dermatological research: pros and cons, Domenico Santoro

12:45-14:30 Lunch
13:15-14:30 ESVD Annual General Meeting | Room: 

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: New Guidelines | Chair: 
14:30-15:15 WAVD practice guidelines for canine leishmaniosis, M. Saridomichelakis
 New ISCAID guidelines, Anette Loeffler

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
14:30-15:15 Clinicopathological Conference, Mar Bardagí, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann
 Clinicopathological Conference, Mar Bardagí, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
14:30-15:15 Free Communications
15:15-16:00 Free Communications

16:00-16:45 Break  

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
16:45-17:30 Cases related to new ISCAID guidelines, Anette Loeffler

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
16:45-17:30 Journal Club, Thierry Olivry

Cutting Edge Programme Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 



Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: Feline | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 Feline Auto-Immune Skin Diseases, Rania Farmaki
09:45-10:30 Feline Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases, Chiara Noli 

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: ISVD | Chair: 
09:00-09:45 ISVD Plenary lecture - Exploring Granulomatous Dermatitis: Infectious vs. Non-Infectious Etiologies and Disease Pathogenesis, Misha Rosenbach 
09:45-10:30 ISVD Plenary lecture - Exploring Granulomatous Dermatitis: Infectious vs. Non-Infectious Etiologies and Disease Pathogenesis, Misha Rosenbach 

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
 Immunopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis – Cellular and signaling aspects, Andreas Wollenberg
09:45-10:30 Keratinocytes, inflammatory cells and epidermal defects. What do we know in dogs? Domenico Santoro

10:30-11:15 Break

Practical Programme | Room:
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Key players in feline cutaneous oncology: Ana Boncea
12:00-12:45 Self-induced skin lesions in cats: differential diagnoses outside the skin, Holigar Volk

Advanced Programme | Room:
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 ISVD Diagnostic dilemma
12:00-12:45 ISVD Mistery slides - first part

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
11:15-12:00 Immunotherapy (allergen-specific and non-allergen specific) for atopic dermatitis: new trends and evidence in favor (or against) them, Andreas Wollenberg
12:00-12:45 Update on molecular allergology in dogs, Thierry Olivry  

12:45-14:45 Lunch
13:30-14:45 ISVD Annual General Meeting | Room:  

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 Feline otitis, Kirsti Schildt
15:30-16:15 Feline pyoderma, Laura Ordeix

Advanced Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 ISVD Grant presentation, Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann
ISVD Focus on granulomatous diseases of animals – Round table, Dominique Wiener, Chiara Brachelente, Domenico Santoro

Cutting Edge Programme | Room
Topic: | Chair: 
14:45-15:30 Free Communications 
15:30-16:15 Free Communications 

16:15-17:00 Break

Practical Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-17:45 Therapeutical controversies in feline atopic syndrome I, Chiara Noli and Silvia Colombo
17:45-18:30 Therapeutical controversies in feline atopic syndrome II, Chiara Noli and Silvia Colombo

Advanced Programme | Room:
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-17:45 ISVD short communications
ISVD Mystery cases, Part 2 

Cutting Edge Programme | Room: 
Topic: | Chair: 
17:00-17:45 Free Communications
17:45-18:30 Free Communications